The online mental healthcare institution in the Netherlands (without waiting lists)
Especially in this time it is essential to have access to great psychological care. For this we point to the mental healthcare provider Solutalks. This institution has years of experience with online specialized mental healthcare treatments and has no waiting lists. Think of treatments for anxiety, depression, trauma and personality disorders.
You can refer clients directly via or fax to 085-0641735. The institution can also be reached directly for diagnostic questions.
More information? Visit the website:

E-book ‘Getting Zoom-ready in 15 minutes’ by Joella van der Boom
We 'Zoom' a lot in these times of crisis. When we do, we still want to make a great impression. This requires a new way of profiling; half of your offline appearance is lost at video conferences.
Joella van der Boom of BoomImpress understands this all too well. That is why she has written a handy e-book: 'GETTING ZOOM-READY IN 15 MINUTES' You can order a copy for € 5.99 at